This morning I had the craziest drug test experience ever. Before today the most interesting thing that ever happened to me at a drug test was at Continental Champs they gave us beer to help pee in Ecuador. Today we got a SWAT style wake up.
You are required to list 1 hour each day when you will definitely be at your location. I always chose 6-7am because that's when I'm still home and sleeping. I usually get tested after this time but if you're not home during your stated time you can get a missed test.
Anyway, 6:30am this morning the Dart and I were awakened to the hotel manager and the testing agent who simultaneously knocked on the locked door, opened it, turned on all the lights and opened the metal shutters before I could even open my eyes or take out my ear plugs. Then the hotel manager went on to berate us because we aren't allowed to have bikes in the rooms. These bikes are cleaner then the ones you will find in a shop on the showroom floor mind you and much cleaner then the bottom of my shoes.
The test went pretty normal after that other then the fact are rooms are tiny and packed with stuff so he had to stand to fill out all the paper work. I peed right away and he left, we tried to go back to sleep but 10 minutes later there was a knock on the door and it was him again. He had filled out the wrong form so we had to fill out all the paper work again. On the plus side, this was the first time I got tested and the Dart didn't. Usually it's his tester waking me up.
My internet time is running out so no pictures today. And it just started to rain.
I wonder what Winstons' doing right now.....